Dr. Kimberly Littlefield

Posted on November 18, 2019

Dr. Kimberly Littlefield (Office of Research and Engagement) received new funding from the National Organization of Research Development Professionals for the project “Building a Case for the Essential Associate Dean for Research.” Dr. Robert A. Henson is co-principal investigator on the project.

The goal of this project is to begin building a comprehensive characterization of the associate dean for research (ADR) role to inform the creation and provision of training and professional development programs and resources. To that end the objectives of project are to: (1) develop and deploy a survey to collect scope, responsibilities and indicators and measures of success for the ADR role; (2) apply concept mapping analysis to survey and structured interview data to identify primary structural information about, and the essential knowledge and resource needs of, ADRs; and (3) informed by concept mapping analysis, design curricula and implement training and professional development programs (webinar and workshop) for ADRs.


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