Update on COVID-19 testing for the week of October 5

Posted on October 07, 2020

As the pandemic has evolved, so has the availability of testing. On September 2, 2020, UNCG began hosting a series of testing clinics targeted toward different populations in our campus community. These clinics are for asymptomatic individuals (because we know people can have the virus and not feel sick) and will help us to identify potential areas of risk related to the presence of COVID-19 on our campus. We have conducted clinics for UNCG students and for UNCG employees.

This testing program will provide a more comprehensive perspective on the health of our University community. The partner we are working with will submit claims with insurance, and regardless of coverage, there will be no charge for testing.

Earlier this week, we announced that a clinic will be held this Thursday, October 8. Appointments for this clinic quickly filled, so we have scheduled another clinic for Tuesday, October 13, from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. in the EUC Dail Room. Please note that this is a location change from previous clinics (the Employee Flu Clinic will be in the Maple Room that day).

Please click here to register. Note that space is limited to approximately 350 appointments; we will continue to schedule more testing opportunities throughout the remainder of the semester.

This is an important part of efforts to keep our community as healthy as possible. And, as a reminder, test results tell you only whether you have the virus at the date and time you get tested, so students and employees are encouraged to take advantage of all opportunities to get tested.

The clinic is for individuals who:

1) do not have COVID-19 symptoms (are asymptomatic); and
2) have not been in close contact recently with someone who has tested positive.

If you have symptoms, please stay home and contact your health care provider to determine if you need to be tested.

To keep our community up to date, we are now reporting the total number of tests administered on our COVID-19 dashboard.

More information is available in the testing section of the Coronavirus FAQ page or via the complete September 2 testing announcement. If your question is not answered in the FAQ, submit it to the UNCG COVID-19 Operational team via this question submission form. We will continue to provide updates on testing opportunities for employees and students as they are scheduled.


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