Student-athletes’ name, image, and likeness update

Posted on August 10, 2021

UNCG student-athletes may benefit from the commercialization of their name, image, and likeness (NIL) by a non-institutional entity. Some examples of this include starting a business, and using the student-athlete’s name to advertise it, posting ads on social media, providing athletic lessons, signing autographs, etc. The Department of Athletics has issued interim guidelines developed in conjunction with a working group, effective July 1, for student-athletes.

By NCAA Bylaw, student-athletes are still permitted to grant permission to UNC Greensboro to use their name, picture, or appearance to promote UNCG and the Department of Athletics.  Spartan Athletics is assisting students through the new NIL process, and is providing student-athletes education and support related to financial literacy and life skills. There are some important guidelines for all campus community members to note:

  • UNCG staff members (coaches, staff, administrators, faculty or other University personnel) cannot facilitate any transaction between a student-athlete and a third party.
  • Fair market value considerations for student-athlete compensation must be adhered to at all times. 
  • The University has made an initial determination that student-athletes cannot compete with existing University sponsorships, wear or use UNCG marks or logos to promote their NIL, or use University facilities during NIL activities. 
  • Most importantly, NCAA legislation prohibits pay-for-play, improper recruiting inducements, extra benefits, and sports wagering, and these prohibitions apply to NIL activities.  In addition, student-athletes and prospective student-athletes must not receive NIL compensation contingent on enrollment at UNCG or on athletic participation/achievement.


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